How to edit GPX files in a text editor - a rough description. GPS Utility to manage, manipulate and map your GPS information. GPS TrackMaker (Windows) allows GUI editing of gpx tracks (e.g. SOFTWARE PARA PLOTTER SEIKI FREE
GPS Track Editor is a free Windows desktop application for analysing and editing tracks and trackpoints (split/merge/filter).It allows you to split/merge/move tracks, edit routes, detect and remove GPS errors and add coordinates to images. TrackProfiler is an online GPS track editor.Trakclean (discontinued) is a simple Windows console application to eliminate spurious trackpoints (typically recorded when stationary) using a minimum speed or distance criterion.Merge Tool and Anonymize Tool are two small console applications (for Windows) to merge gpx files or randomly shift their timestamps.gpx_reduce is a small python script that yields high-quality gpx-track reduction/compression.It's useful for GPS units (such as those based on MTK chipsets) that munge tracks and waypoints together. gpxsplitter splits multi-track GPX files, containing waypoints, into individual one-track GPX files with their respective waypoints.Displays information about the number of routes, routepoints, waypoints and tracks, tracksegments, trackpoints in a GPX-file. GPX Editor is a free Windows desktop application for splitting, joining and pruning of trackpoints, visualises tracks in Google Maps, simplifies tracks using various methods etc.Florb is a really simple map viewer and GPX editor written in C++.
Offers five options to prune trackpoints from the track, like removal of duplicate trackpoints.
GpsPrune is a free Windows desktop application for visualising (2D, 3D, osm, Google Earth) and editing GPX files. gpsman is very useful if you can see past the unusual tcl/tk user interface. Check Perl_Scripts#osmtrackfilter and for some command line tools. RouteConverter is a free and open source Java desktop application for displaying, editing and converting routes, tracks and waypoints in CSV, KML, KMZ, GPX and NMEA-files. Viking,, project allows visualizing, editing and uploading tracks to OSM. Elevation and metadata is preserved since JOSM version 14163. By converting the GPX layer to a data layer, it can be edited, then saved again as a GPX file, or directly uploaded to OSM using EditGpx plugin. JOSM permits reading and writing GPX files. Some of these only work on waypoints, so you may have to convert a track to waypoints and back (gpsbabel allows this). It provides filters (see using filters with GPSBabel). GPSBabel is a free Windows/Linux/MacOS desktop application for converting GPS traces between various data formats. GpsMaster is a free and open source Java desktop application for creating, viewing, editing and analysing GPX-files. to delete sections of data which have already been uploaded or are not relevant. compress a track to reduce the number of points and speed up uploading. To reduce the data volume, you may want to :. This allows more accurate tagging of the uploaded logs. For instance, separate the flight log and the bus trip from the airport. You may want to split your logs into parts depending on some criteria. speeds higher than 300 km/h lower than 1 km/h (values can be computed by gpsbabel). distance between trackpoints more than 500 m,. If the receiver produced implausible results:. Also, if you spent a while at some place, the resulting cloud of points is not that useful for mapping.
You may want to remove points where your GPS receiver had poor reception (say you were inside a building). To improve the remove or correct bad data:. You may want to exclude the area around your house ( Using filters with GPSBabel shows how to do that with gpsbabel) and possibly modify the timestamps.
This can give people a lot of information you don't want them to have. Your GPS tracks can reveal your exact address and show when you were where.In particular, don't edit the locations of trackpoints, just remove bad ones and split the tracks as required. OSM is interested in the raw data, so you shouldn't edit your tracks to match what you would like to see mapped.You should only upload raw data you collected yourself in the real world.If you followed the conversion step before now, the track log should be in GPX file format. Global Navigation Satellite System Tracelogįor a variety of reasons, you may want to edit a GPS track log before uploading it to OSM.